Hello! Today the topic as you can see is video games! So why am i talking about this and what do i mean "video games"? I am talking about , Good video games ,Bad video games, and just plain ridiculous ones too.Because it has come to mine and my colleagues attention that things ,that look good , just aren't as good as they used to be.For example take Prince of Persia. When it came out for PS2 every one was in a tizzy over it and then warrior within came out even more so, were people wanting to play this amazing series and a couple more came out with the series and then,...BAM Ubisoft had to reboot (thats another thing thing i am going to go over) And what came out of this reboot was a disguising ass plat former nothing storyline wise to the actual Prince of Persia. And sure it was fun at first but it's slow pace and lack of action made it a boring game fast! This is not the only game that this has happened to either!!!! Have you seen the ads for the new Devil May Cry reboot? It looks awful! Dante looks as though he where a drug addict and is very, very feminine looking! The game play doesn't look that bad but Jesus Christ!!! What the hell were you guys thinking??? I mean what ever crossed CAPCOMs' mind while they were making this game is beyond me because i personally think that without the whole ima bad ass with white hair and aint nobody gunna tell me whatta do gimmick, Devil May Cry is completely lost! Now there are good games that have come out with bad aspects to them and bad games that have come out that have good aspects to them lately and personally i think thats really cool because its unique! This may have been a couple years ago but do you guys remember a game that Square Enix came out with in 2008? It was called The World Ends with You. The latest completely amazing game with a good story line game play is smooth and beautiful and it has an actual meaning and morale that you can easily depict and point out there is no bull shit, hidden and elusive you gotta find me, type morale. Now i am not saying that Square Enix is completely gone i am just saying that they are ruining there selves! Now many of you may find this blasphemous because you are all die hard Final Fantasy fans but...14 failed for a reason...and 13 i just don't understand the fucking hype with that i mean Holy FUCK!!! I have never seen a more hipster ass mother fucking Final Fantasy ever!!! Plus i think it had a bad story line and a horrible battle system!! I played for 2 strait hours and i couldn't get my head around any of it because it was just stupid! Now people may debate that you are being too critical and just flip on me but thats fine i am a big boy i can handle it!!!! Now what i find interesting is that EA is just racking up the points with people as they dazzle us with really good and interesting games! Now Dragon Age had it's faults but overall amazing game if you're into that sorta stuff. Then Dragon Age 2 came out...blows the first out of the water in many aspects but not all....As i have not finished the game i cannot decide story lines quite yet, but i do not like how in dragon age 2 you are so limited to weapons and armor. Not only that but i was pissed to find out that you cannot actually summon demonic dragon arms as it is shown in the Destiny's trailer! I am glad though on how they did graphics and how smooth everything is especially because in the first one a lot of armors just looked stupid and people were a bit clunky they fixed that in this one! Now if you want a good EA thriller game the entire Dead space set is for you! Its is scary as piss! The second one especially!!!! But i personally cannot wait for Mass Effect and Dragon Age 3 and Reckoning!!!! Those three are at the top of my interest pique right now! Now i also am happy to announce Zone Of The Enders 3 was announced by Konami a little while ago and i was a big fan of the first and second so this one best be good! But i am a personal BIG FAN of the .Dot Hack// series and i really hope that they release the PSP .Dot Hack// in America because i don't think it looks that great but i am a die hard .Dot Hack// fan but not to the extreme like some people i know with final fantasy... Now i know that i am probably the only person on the planet who thinks this but! I think that Call Of Duty has just gotten plane ridiculous especially with black ops. I think they shouldn't have come out with it at all and i think they might as well have had Call of Duty future ops because that is just about as equally stupid as Black ops because i hit halfway to prestige and quite because i was just doing the same thing over and over and over again!! Now i have ranted for a little while let me hear you'r guy's rants i mean i love to hear them and i would like to respond to them so if you guys would be so kind as to comment thank you.
Your Friends Here at The World Ends With Me Studios
Mitsubachi-Clan Inc
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